Saturday, October 4, 2008


I'm coughing and sniffling, I've only had three hours of sleep and I feel like theres a gnormous weight on my chest. It's ugly. I just got home from a day of pre-production meetings, go-sees and pull outs. Have new photos to upload but I think I need to take a nap first. Went to a fashion party last night, (I know i promised that Fluxxe would be the last, but its a FASHION party! How can I not?) and it was smoky but there were enough labels and stylistas to distract me. I think I'm going to die for fashion. Went home again at the wee hours to go haggarda to a meeting this morning with a photographer from Shanghai. Thank God for sunnies. The meeting was at 930am, I arrived on time, he was there even before that. How professional. I love people who come on time.

So there, come back in a bit and I'll have new fash pics up. But as of now, I'm dreaming of a white christmas.

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